The anime Uramichi Oniisan, also known as Life Lesson with Uramichi Onissan, is based on the comedy manga of the same name by creator Gaku Kuze. This summer 2021 anime is one of the dark comedy genre anime that offers a simple premise but still has a unique story.
The premise offered by this anime is quite simple. The story centers on Uramichi Omota, a gymnast who hosts a children’s program. Behind his cheerfulness in front of the small screen, he is a pessimist about life. You can watch this anime at Animebagus but before that, let’s take a closer look at the Uramichi Oniisan anime review.
Sarcastic comedy gag
This anime explores the protagonist’s pessimistic attitude towards life. Disappointments and gloomy tones are conveyed by bright and cheerful tones and colors. Moreover, coupled with the comedic elements of the various characters in this series.
The premise and jokes offered are quite interesting like other Japanese gag anime. But one of the elements that make this anime even more fun is the star-studded voice cast. Like Hiroshi Kamiya who voices Urumichi, delivering long lines with precision and a naturally sarcastic tone.
Indeed, not all characters are made pessimistic like Uramichi. Even he who is believed to have depression over his monotonous life always does his best to live life and work professionally to entertain children.
Uramichi had to pretend to be happy in front of the children. Not infrequently vent his discomfort to them. So he had to convey negative comments but in a cheerful way. Kamiya makes transitions between all emotions easy and fast.
The pressures of life make him sadistic. And he often vents his frustration on his juniors, Tobiichi Usahara (Tomokazu Sugita) and Mitsuo Kumagai (Yuichi Nakamura). Even though Mitsuo deserves to be taught a lesson because he often taunts Uramichi.
It’s hard being an adult
The whole anime is made with this gag setting, or has several pieces of story in 20 minutes per episode. In addition to presenting humor that is quite complex, anime and manga take inspiration from the work ethic of the Japanese population who always follows orders from superiors.
Seen from a series of dialogues offered. For example, when Uramichi was told to work late to paint the ball or wear a tight spider helmet during the shooting of the children’s program.
“Whatever your boss says, you have to pretend to understand… That’s what adults do,”
said Uramichi in episode 2.
The most recent was when he had to shoot for a summer video in the middle of a cold autumn wearing just a singlet. He remained calm and did everything the director told him to do even though all the pores on his body were struggling with cold.
From episode to episode, viewers will be made to understand how Uramichi lives his life. He knows that his life is wasted and meaningless. But he still makes every effort that is made meaningful.
Stay positive in life
Although it’s obvious how upset he is and complains every time he wakes up in the morning, he still tries to get out of his depression by finding pleasure in life. Including venting his anger on Usahara.
In addition to hanging out with juniors and other performers, Uramichi tries to make his time off by calming down. Namely by fishing on Sunday morning. A small business to enjoy the holiday from the tiring work of taking care of children every day.
The anime Uramichi Oniisan depicts a reality that most adults might experience. Forged in a tough life, she still cares about her children and tries hard to stay positive. Implying how to be an adult is never easy.